Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to tell you've got a good job:

You realize that your face hurts because you've been sitting at your desk smiling all day.  Not one of those fake plastic smiles, but one that you didn't realize you had because youre actually having fun.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Yay, working on a Sunday

So, I have a deadline Tommorrow AM, which means that i'm in the office today working on stuff to make sure I get it finished. The deliverable doesnt seem to be a Really Big Deal, but it involves using and adding onto a bunch of other peoples spreadsheets. As a new and unknown entity, I'm assuming that people will look at this and use it as a basis for a first impression.  In order to meet (exceed?) expectations I need to rock the analysis, which in turn means that I must first figure out What Did They Do, and Why they did it that way? Then, I have to add onto their work. Not so tough, but the 'spinning up' of figuring out the whats and why's from pages of numbers takes a bit of time.