Friday, January 11, 2008

Mere Christianity - A Clarification

It occurred to me that a I wade deeper and deeper into Mere Christianity, it might look like I'm against Christianity itself, that I'm trying to 'disprove' the religion. That's not my purpose, for two reasons: First, I don't want to try to force you to change your beliefs, just as I dislike it when others try to force me to change mine. Second, belief and faith are individual concerns, Let me make this clear - I'm not against Christianity itself. Lots of people are inspired by it and use it to frame their lives and be better people. I'm happy about that.

What am I arguing, then? If I'm arguing anything, I guess I would be arguing for tolerance and open-mindedness when dealing with other peoples religions. I think this is a pretty reasonable thing, and I expect that I would be completely unable to convince those who feel otherwise.  Really, my purpose here is to use Lewis as a launch-pad for starting to think about how I see the world. We may not agree, but thats okay; that variation is what keeps life enjoyable.