Monday, January 07, 2008

Hong Kong, Days 3-4

Since last I wrote, not much has happened. All my nice clothes were in for dry cleaning (I hadn't gotten around to it in shanghai) and so yesterday I didn't feel comfortable going and hunting for jobs in jeans. So, instead I got myself sucked into a novel that took me till midnight to finish.

It was an interesting book, with a Tom Clancy feel and military focus, but located in a post- Iraq Orwellian future, where the Department of Homeland Security is extremely powerful and unaccountable, the economy is failing, and politicians unabashedly help their largest contributors. If you're interested, the author has made the book available for free download, and you can get it here.

Today I'm sending out all the emails and making all the calls that I wasn't comfortable doing yesterday, as my cleaning should be ready in a few hours, in case I need to meet with someone.

Other than that, I'm really looking forward to coming home, I really miss having all my family and friends around.