Voicemail woes
So, I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow, and since I've given my phone number to half of Hong Kong I want to try to set up a voicemail message to receive all the job offers that will be coming my way. Unfortunately, setting up voicemail here is much much harder than it should be. This seems to be complicated by 3 factors: I am using a prepaid sim card, i have my own cell phone, and said cell phone can't load websites.
Apparently, the only way to set up voicemail for prepaid sim cards is to go to the service providers website from the phone, and then request it there. However, without a phone that doesnt go on the Internet, it puts me in kind of a bind - the best that the people at the cellular company could offer was to borrow someone elses phone, replace the sim card and use that for the setup. Unfortunately, I haven't got anyone who has an internet-capable phone that I can borrow for a minute.
How frustrating!
Apparently, the only way to set up voicemail for prepaid sim cards is to go to the service providers website from the phone, and then request it there. However, without a phone that doesnt go on the Internet, it puts me in kind of a bind - the best that the people at the cellular company could offer was to borrow someone elses phone, replace the sim card and use that for the setup. Unfortunately, I haven't got anyone who has an internet-capable phone that I can borrow for a minute.
How frustrating!
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