Hong Kong, Day 3
Whats new here since yesterday? After sending out emails until my laptop died (i forgot the power cord at home) I got some groceries (Apples, bananas, pears, and oranges, for HK $38) and went home to eat, read, and settle in for the night. After all, I was exhausted from being up from 3am the night before, and what nightlife is there really on a Sunday night? I ended up noticing that there was a couple of movies in the apartment, and realizing that I needed some drinking water, and that I had no idea if the tap water here was drinkable. So, to be safe, I boiled a pot of water for drinking, and put on one of the movies that was laying around. Exciting, I know!
Let me just say that I'd forgotten how hit-or-miss buying dvd's here could be. The movie, Tomb Raider: Circle of Life, was bad cubed: A camcorder-in-the-theater recording of a bad movie with deafening-then-whispering sound. I'd been considering buying a bunch of movies to bring back to the US, but now i'm not sure that it is really worth it. I may just stick with my Netflix account. Or, I may give the buying movie thing one more try, hoping that the reason last nights movie was bad cubed because it was one of those 'still in theaters' pirated versions.
Today is my chance at kick-starting the job hunt. This morning I was supposed to meet a VP from Morgan Stanley at 11. Thing is, we'd never confirmed and I was stuck between going to library to confirm or making it to unconfirmed meeting ontime. It all worked out in the end because the security guards in my building took pity on me, and let me use their office workstation for the moment to snap off an email asking for him to call and confirm. As I was upstairs dressing, his secretary called back to reschedule for tomorrow at 2pm.
So, I'm spending the rest of the day figuring out where all the offices for the big banks are, so that I won't be dependent on my hit-and-miss internet access to figure out where I may need to be and who I should be calling to get interviews. I'm also trying to work up the courage to just walk into a bank here and ask for their Investment Banking recruiter. Maybe that will be in the cards for this afternoon at a bank where I don't have any leads. Merrill Lynch fits that category...
So thats the up-to-the minute news here in Hong Kong.
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