Hong Kong, Day 2
Just a quick update on what happened yesterday afternoon and this morning: Not much!
After finding a sim card for my phone and getting online to send some emails, I had lunch and went home and 'took a nap' from about 2pm until about 3am. I guess that I wasn't so adapted to local time after all! When I woke up at 3am I was up and ready to start my day, but unfortunately the rest of Hong Kong wasn't up yet. So I unsuccessfully tried to roll over and go back to sleep until 5, but finally gave up and turned on the news (they have a channel that runs a mishmash of American programming - First Bloomberg, then ABC nightly news, then Discovery Channel or something), studied Chinese, and read a novel that i'd brought for reading on the airplane. Finally, at 8am I figured that the rest of the world was sufficiently alive, and went out to find breakfast, a metro pass, and something to do.
I ended up wandering over to Central to try to figure out where I was in relation to where I'd been on previous visits, and then to kill time climbed up and down Victoria's peak. It was good exercise and left me ready for lunch. Now, I'm back in the library, trying to come up with a new things to do until 10 or 11 tonight. So far on my list: Find someone to press my dress shirts, which are all wrinkly from my poor packing, and buy groceries, so i'm not eating out 3 meals a day.
I also need to get contact information from some of the people I met last friday, so that I can try to call them tommorrow and get referrals for finding jobs - unfortunately, I was so flustered from the quick transition from plane to restaraunt that I didn't get business cards or numbers. I'll have to call Joseph, the gentleman who invited me, and see if I can't get that information from him. Tomorrow I'm supposed to meet with a gentleman from Morgan Stanley around lunchtime, so we'll see how that goes. I will need to call and confirm with him, probably tomorrow morning would be better than tonight (even if he is working sunday, wouldn't that be a bit rude?)
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