What in the world is going on here?
Yesterday i started recieving emails from a "Betty Hurst" who claims to know me. I find the whole thing rather bizarre, as though the person is a friend playing a bad joke, or an online stalker of some sort. Here is the initial email I recieved:
"Hi Jeff
Heard you had a big problem with Office 2007 ... how come u had such a problem ??
I thought u were a wiz at all of this .... buh !
seems like u r getting old - or is that technology is getting too new for you ... u used to be smart guy, I always longed for ... but you never looked at me : (
its been long that I wrote to you - howzz it going for you at BC ?? still single or .... ??
there are couple of women after u it seems in BC ... all of a sudden u have become talk of the town - u weren't like that at Colgate ?? how come this change ... from technology to women - guess its the China effect - I heard that u want to work in China now ..... is it because of the Chinese women ...
a friend of mine at BC in your MBA class has a big crush on you ... u dumbo, do something !
keep guessin ...... n study hard for operations - try to study with her - she'll like it .... now you'll get the hint, dumbo - go call her up, now .... "
before I even recieved this email, there was a follow up:
"did u read my mail
or are ignoring me sweetie ....."
My Response:
"Ms. Hurst,
I don't recall ever communicating with you before, and your name seems unfamiliar to me. Please describe how exactly we know each other, and who you know at BC. I have been receiving a number of prank emails lately, and require some proof of identity before conversing with unknown parties.
Thank you,
The reply does nothing to alleviate my confusion and suspicion:
"We met at Colgate - your memory is short & you don't remember me ... so you even forget that we spent good time together - I guess u never wanted to be near me ! !
please let me know if u want to take this forward .......
throw me names of who that woman could be and I will help u out ....... she's from your batch !"
My Second Response:
"Ms. Hurst,
I am in a serious relationship. I am flattered to learn that someone has a crush on me, but I don't feel that it would be appropriate for me to go and speculate about who that person might be. I would advise your friend to come forward and speak with me in a public setting to discuss the matter, so that we can clear the air and determine what steps would be necessary to bring the situation to a close.
"Hi Jeff
Heard you had a big problem with Office 2007 ... how come u had such a problem ??
I thought u were a wiz at all of this .... buh !
seems like u r getting old - or is that technology is getting too new for you ... u used to be smart guy, I always longed for ... but you never looked at me : (
its been long that I wrote to you - howzz it going for you at BC ?? still single or .... ??
there are couple of women after u it seems in BC ... all of a sudden u have become talk of the town - u weren't like that at Colgate ?? how come this change ... from technology to women - guess its the China effect - I heard that u want to work in China now ..... is it because of the Chinese women ...
a friend of mine at BC in your MBA class has a big crush on you ... u dumbo, do something !
keep guessin ...... n study hard for operations - try to study with her - she'll like it .... now you'll get the hint, dumbo - go call her up, now .... "
before I even recieved this email, there was a follow up:
"did u read my mail
or are ignoring me sweetie ....."
My Response:
"Ms. Hurst,
I don't recall ever communicating with you before, and your name seems unfamiliar to me. Please describe how exactly we know each other, and who you know at BC. I have been receiving a number of prank emails lately, and require some proof of identity before conversing with unknown parties.
Thank you,
The reply does nothing to alleviate my confusion and suspicion:
"We met at Colgate - your memory is short & you don't remember me ... so you even forget that we spent good time together - I guess u never wanted to be near me ! !
now this seems like a prank email to you now ....... buh ! unknown parties n all ...
proof of identity - my friend at BC tells me that you are going for IME Asia and were struglling with Econ n Finance - now you are lookin for an internship in China ..
well, it was for your good that I wanted to tell you - keep guessing .... whom do you usually study with ? is that the woman of your love ... ur desire ?? ur fantasy ?? what does her name start with ..... is she your destiny ?
the only thing that worries me now is how quickly people change .....
I didn't expect this from you Jeff - never from you !
U let me down ...."
And a second follow up:
And a second follow up:
please let me know if u want to take this forward .......
throw me names of who that woman could be and I will help u out ....... she's from your batch !"
My Second Response:
"Ms. Hurst,
I am in a serious relationship. I am flattered to learn that someone has a crush on me, but I don't feel that it would be appropriate for me to go and speculate about who that person might be. I would advise your friend to come forward and speak with me in a public setting to discuss the matter, so that we can clear the air and determine what steps would be necessary to bring the situation to a close.
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