Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shopping List: Headlight

Today I have to see about getting another headlight, and possibly some arm/ leg warmers.

The Hill rides that I wrote about in the last post start at 6 PM (sunset is before 5pm these days) and typically last until 7:30 or 8 PM. Also, big sections of the hills we ride lack streetlights, so lights are important, both to see and be seen by cars.

I had Jerry-rigged an old headlight that had already broken twice, but last Saturday in the beginning of the ride, it fell off and promptly got run over by the entire pack of cyclists. It was no big loss, though, since it was really not designed to help me see anything, only to make me visible to cars.

I've got to replace that light today. While I'm out, I'm going to check the prices on arm and leg warmers.

Warmers are essentially just spandex sleeves that you put on to turn the normal riding shorts into pants, and short-sleeved jerseys into a long-sleeved version. Its a nice convenient alternative to long underwear, but they can be ridiculously expensive - from $10 to $60 a pair. If I can find some on the cheap ($40 all in) I'll consider it. Otherwise, I'll just start wearing long johns under my regular setup.