Friday, February 09, 2007


I really don't want to get sick this semester.

I want to stay healthy so much that I have even been trying to take
vitamins to make sure that I stay healthy. The thing is, vitamins and
I don't normally get along. If I take them on an empty stomach, I am
guaranteed to throw up as soon as they start to dissolve in my
stomach. If I take them with a meal I can keep them down, but about
4-6 hours later I get a stomachache. Or worse, I get diarrhea.

So, I've been trying to identify which vitamin in particular causes
these reactions, so that I can stop taking it, adjust the dosage, or
do something else to address the situation. Unfortunately, the
process is kind of like russian roulette, because if I guess wrong
I'm not a very happy camper for a couple of days.

Who knew taking vitamins could be so much fun?