Wednesday, August 02, 2006

An Acerbic Update

I admit it, I haven't updated in quite a while. I moved in okay, and then immediately went back home for my Uncle Tom's wedding. His new wife, Jill, is a fantastic person and too cool to put into words.

Now, the wedding was in LA, and so attending required me to fly there and back. Naturally, I forgot the number one goal of all airlines: To cram as many people into as small a space as possible as often as possible. Forgetting this maxim means that I also forgot the corollary: Lots of people in close quarters means everybody gets everybody else's germs.

So I now have Ebola. Or maybe SARS. Or maybe- just maybe, mind you, because I would NEVER exaggerate- I have a case of the sniffles. *Gasp*  Oh, the horror. Yes, I am that guy: The one who flies cross country to a wedding, becomes very friendly with scotch-on-the-rocks, flies back across country, and COMES DOWN WITH THE SNIFFLES. Woe is me.

In other news, being settled in my apartment has given me a chance to look outward and begin to explore my surroundings. The weather is hot and humid. There is a grocery store walking distance to the south, and a "T" (as in meTro) station there too. I ended up talking to a nice lady about whether the T goes to a beach or not while at the supermarket, and an instant before she could tell me how to get there my ear exploded with ringing. Cell phone ringing, to be exact.

At the other end of that cell phone was a certain 88 year old grandparent who wanted to know about my financial aid. I tried to explain that I didn't know about my financial aid, as the information was sent to LA the day I left, and would not be forwarded to me until two years from now, and couldn't he just wait until then? Unfortunately, we couldn't seem to hear each other clearly- terrible reception, I'm sure- and we had to give up. But by then the nice lady who was going to tell me how to get to the beach was gone.

I went home and that ended my exploration for the day- until around a quarter to five I got to feeling good and decided to see if I could find my way into the gym for even more exposure to germs. After all, what good is having Ebola/SARS if you can't pass it along? I made it to the gym just in time to find a free Yoga class that was just starting, and into which I promptly dove head first. It turns out that even when you're not in a sauna, Yoga is Hard! And smelly! So I left feeling duly exercised and very manly- well, smelly at least. When I got home, I labeled exercise a "good idea" and "to do tomorrow." Which brings me to the forecast section of today's post.

Tomorrow we have a 33% chance of early rising, followed by a 10% chance of yoga. If yoga occurs, there is a stunning 82.5% chance of a productive afternoon, and watch out for those! A Busybody warning may go into effect. More likely, though, the yoga will not occur (the last time two consecutive yogas occurred was in July) and the chances of a productive afternoon will hover in the mid 40's. Now lets check in with our various forecasts: Laundry 20%, Exploration 35%, Sniffles 98%, Studies 68.5%.